挪威 is often the first market for Swedish companies who are looking to grow global sales and the presence of Swedish companies in the market reflects this. 营商便利度, 高度信任, and a collaborative approach to innovation and 可持续性 are factors which influence business in 挪威 and many reflect the approach taken by Swedish companies.

虽然挪威长期以来一直拥有强劲的经济, 它也未能幸免于Covid-19大流行的影响, 然而, 对于许多在乐博彩票官方app有利益的乐博彩票官方app公司来说, this is not appearing to be a major factor in investment and growth plans.

顺应全球大趋势, 挪威 is also seeing the impact of the pandemic accelerating digitalisation and regionalisation, 这两者都为乐博彩票官方app公司提供了发展空间.

随着挪威将重点放在经济复苏上, 而不是限制负面后果, 乐博彩票官方app企业对整体前景仍持乐观态度.


This survey was carried out between July and September 2020 and was sent to 243 executives representing Swedish firms doing business with or within 挪威. A total of 74 companies provided answers; this is not representative of the business landscape but an indication those. Any of the statistics presented in this report are solely indicative of our respondents’ experience in and with 挪威.


The Business Climate Survey is produced on a bi-annual basis by 团队乐博彩票官方app, a joint initiative where Business 乐博彩票官方app collaborates with 乐博彩票官方app’s local embassies, 世界各地的领事馆和商会, 在其他利益相关者中.

The survey provides first-hand perspectives and insights into business trends, issues and challenges in global markets based on extensive interviews with Swedish companies operating in each respective country.